select ... start with initial-condition connect by nocycle recurse-condition select ... connect by recurse-condition select ... start with initial-condition connect by nocycle recurse-condition select ... connect by recurse-condition
start with .. connect by문장은 계층적 관계를 가진 데이터베이스를 select할때 사용되는 문장이다. (보통 parent -> child나 boss->employee나 thing->parts의 관계에 주로 이용된다.)
execution plain이나 pxplained 쿼리를 이용할때 주로 이용하는 문장이다.
recurse-condition은 prior키워드의 사용으로 만든다.
execution plain이나 pxplained 쿼리를 이용할때 주로 이용하는 문장이다.
recurse-condition은 prior키워드의 사용으로 만든다.
connect by
prior foo = bar
이것은 recursion을 구성한다. 모든 레코드는 다음 하위 계층구조 레벨의 부분을 가진다고 할때 bar=foo를 찾는다. foo가 현재 계층 레벨에 발견된 레벨이 된다.
A simple example
다음 예제에서 이러한 attributes의 집합으로 선택된 데이터를 보여준다. parent와 child 구조를 검색. child는 테이블에서 유니크 제약조건을 전제로 한다. 이것은 이것은 즉 자식은 2부모를 가질 수 없다는 것을의미한다.
테이블에 들어간 데이터는 동일한 부모를 가진 자식 테이블들과, 부모 데이터로 구성된다.
테이블에 들어간 데이터는 동일한 부모를 가진 자식 테이블들과, 부모 데이터로 구성된다.
set feedback off create table test_connect_by ( parent number, child number, constraint uq_tcb unique (child) );
5 = 2+3
insert into test_connect_by values ( 5, 2);
insert into test_connect_by values ( 5, 3);
insert into test_connect_by values ( 5, 2);
insert into test_connect_by values ( 5, 3);
18 = 11+7
insert into test_connect_by values (18,11);
insert into test_connect_by values (18, 7);
17 = 9+8
insert into test_connect_by values (17, 9);
insert into test_connect_by values (17, 8);
26 = 13+1+12
insert into test_connect_by values (26,13);
insert into test_connect_by values (26, 1);
insert into test_connect_by values (26,12);
insert into test_connect_by values (26,13);
insert into test_connect_by values (26, 1);
insert into test_connect_by values (26,12);
insert into test_connect_by values (15,10);
insert into test_connect_by values (15, 5);
insert into test_connect_by values (15,10);
insert into test_connect_by values (15, 5);
insert into test_connect_by values (38,15);
insert into test_connect_by values (38,17);
insert into test_connect_by values (38, 6);
insert into test_connect_by values (38,15);
insert into test_connect_by values (38,17);
insert into test_connect_by values (38, 6);
38, 26 and 18 have no parents (the parent is null)
insert into test_connect_by values (null, 38);
insert into test_connect_by values (null, 26);
insert into test_connect_by values (null, 18);
insert into test_connect_by values (null, 38);
insert into test_connect_by values (null, 26);
insert into test_connect_by values (null, 18);
이제 계층구조의 데이터를 셀렉트 해보자.
select lpad(' ',2*(level-1)) || to_char(child) s from test_connect_by start with parent is null connect by prior child = parent;
This select statement results in:
38 15 10 5 2 3 17 9 8 6 26 13 1 12 18 11 7
Interpreting connect by statements
어떻게 start with ... connect by 셀렉트문이 읽고, 인터프리터 하는가? 만약 오라클이 그러한 SQL문장을 만나게 되면, 다음 수도코드에 보여지는 부분을 처리하게 된다.
for rec in (select * from some_table) loop if FULLFILLS_START_WITH_CONDITION(rec) then RECURSE(rec, rec.child); end if; end loop; procedure RECURSE (rec in MATCHES_SELECT_STMT, parent_id IN field_type) is begin APPEND_RESULT_LIST(rec); for rec_recurse in (select * from some_table) loop if FULLFILLS_CONNECT_BY_CONDITION(, parent_id) then RECURSE(rec_recurse,; end if; end loop; end procedure RECURSE;
Thanks to Frank Trenkamp who spotted an error in the logic in the above pseudo code and corrected it.
Thanks also to Abhishek Ghose who made me think about a better way to describe the logic.
Pruning branches (가지치기)
가끔, 계층형 트리에서 일정 부분만을 요구할 때가 있다. 그리고 가지 치기를 원한다. 여기에는 데이터 트리가 채워져 있다. 각 차일드는 오른쪽에 새로운 숫자를 추가해서 부모에 추가된 것의 숫자이다.
create table prune_test ( parent number, child number ); insert into prune_test values (null, 1); insert into prune_test values (null, 6); insert into prune_test values (null, 7); insert into prune_test values ( 1, 12); insert into prune_test values ( 1, 14); insert into prune_test values ( 1, 15); insert into prune_test values ( 6, 61); insert into prune_test values ( 6, 63); insert into prune_test values ( 6, 65); insert into prune_test values ( 6, 69); insert into prune_test values ( 7, 71); insert into prune_test values ( 7, 74); insert into prune_test values ( 12, 120); insert into prune_test values ( 12, 124); insert into prune_test values ( 12, 127); insert into prune_test values ( 65, 653); insert into prune_test values ( 71, 712); insert into prune_test values ( 71, 713); insert into prune_test values ( 71, 715); insert into prune_test values ( 74, 744); insert into prune_test values ( 74, 746); insert into prune_test values ( 74, 748); insert into prune_test values ( 712,7122); insert into prune_test values ( 712,7125); insert into prune_test values ( 712,7127); insert into prune_test values ( 748,7481); insert into prune_test values ( 748,7483); insert into prune_test values ( 748,7487);
이제 트리를 참조할 수 있게 되었다. 그러나 1과 71에 모든 브렌치를 제거하고자 한다. 이것은 connect by문장을 포함하고 있다.
select lpad(' ', 2*level) || child from prune_test start with parent is null connect by prior child=parent and parent not in (1, 71);
This returns:
1 6 61 63 65 653 69 7 71 74 744 746 748 7481 7483 7487
See also another example for pruning.
Do two items stand in a ancestor descendant relationship
Sometimes, one want's to know if two items are in an ancestor descendant relationship, that is if XYZ as grandfather, or grand-grandfather, or ... of ABC. The following template of a query can be used to determine that.
set feedback off drop table parent_child; create table parent_child(parent_ varchar2(20), child_ varchar2(20)); insert into parent_child values (null, 'a') insert into parent_child values ( 'a', 'af'); insert into parent_child values ( 'a', 'ab'); insert into parent_child values ( 'a', 'ax'); insert into parent_child values ( 'ab', 'abc'); insert into parent_child values ( 'ab', 'abd'); insert into parent_child values ( 'ab', 'abe'); insert into parent_child values ('abe','abes'); insert into parent_child values ('abe','abet'); insert into parent_child values ( null, 'b'); insert into parent_child values ( 'b', 'bg'); insert into parent_child values ( 'b', 'bh'); insert into parent_child values ( 'b', 'bi'); insert into parent_child values ( 'bi', 'biq'); insert into parent_child values ( 'bi', 'biv'); insert into parent_child values ( 'bi', 'biw');
The following query 'asks' for a parent and a supposed child (grand child, grand grand child) and answers the question if the are indeed in an ancester successor relationship.
set verify off select case when count(*) > 0 then '&&parent is an ancestor of &&child' else '&&parent is no ancestor of &&child' end "And here's the answer" from parent_child where child_ = '&&child' start with parent_ = '&&parent' connect by prior child_ = parent_; undefine child undefine parent
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